Welcome to my home on the web, where you can find information about all the things that I do!

Art contains my portfolio, as well as some projects and older works that I still like to have up for display. Writing has links to the articles and musings I've written on my blog, and information about short stories and novels that I'm working on. Contact tells you how to get a hold of me, and if you want to keep informed about my doings in a very relaxed sort of way, my newsletter Scattered Leaves is the way to go (you'll get new articles in your inbox that way, too!). Prints will take you to my INPRNT gallery, where you can buy prints of my artwork. PDFs leads you to the shop page of my Ko-fi account, where you can purchase .pdfs of all my comics (my Ko-fi page is also an easy way to ask for art commissions or leave a tip, if you're so inclined). Finally, books links to the shop where you can purchase on-demand print volumes of my work.

In the sidebar to the right (or at the bottom of the page, if you're reading this on a mobile device or in a small window), you'll find image links to my comics. Corner the Maze is a completed black-and-white urban fantasy webcomic following the adventures of a racing driver who finds himself stranded in another dimension after veering off track in the rain; it ran from 2016 to 2020, and you can read the whole thing online or pick up a .pdf or print volume. Verdant Shadows is my current project, a full-color fantasy, still in the scripting stage.

Take a look around!